Game Platforms

K-1 The Arena Fighters


Alternate Colors

For alternate colors and/or uniforms, hold L1 and R1 for several seconds at the title screen. You will hear a *ding* sound if the code worked.

View Ending:

Turn on the PlayStation with the K1 disc inside. Hold L1+L2+Triangle+Circle+Left on both controllers while the game loads. Continue to hold them until the demo begins. Instead of the normal intro, you will see the ending cinema and game credits.

Infinite Stamina:

At the title screen, wait for the words "Push Start" to begin flashing, then quickly press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Select. You should hear a small explosions to confirm the code; if you don't hear it keep trying. Once the code is in place, start a match in any game mode and you'll find that your stamina will never go down--but neither will you opponents.

Boss Code

Choose "Team Battle" from the main menu screen. When the character select screen appears, press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, start. Master Ishii will appear to the right of the other fighters.

Strength Adjustment:

During a match press start to pause. Then press L2, R1, L1, R1, L2, R1. You will see flashing numbers on the left and right side. Use the D-pad to move the numbers up or down for each character so you can increase or decrease your chosen players strength from 1 to 9.