Game Platforms

Hamtaro : Ham-Hams Unite

Game Boy Color

G-Rock song:

Collect all of the rocks in each area and go to the Sky Garden area. Go to the hole and Chuck-Chuck all of the rocks in the box in order to open the rock door. Note: Inside the rock door is the HM Boutique.

Hamtaro Time song:

Go to Sunflower Elementary. Go to the ham swap and buy it for 50 Sunflowers or less

Strawberry mini-game:

To play, you must have the strawberry. Hiff-Hiff the area where the hamster in the strawberry is located, then say Hamha. Watch where the shadows are heading and go to that area.

Young 'n' Wild song:

Go to the Sunflower market and help the hamster stuck between the two boxes with Tuggie. He will give you a strawberry and a new Ham-Ham word. Go to the isles and to the Strawberry Self. Say Hiff-Hiff, then Hamha. Play the Strawberry mini-game and get a perfect score of 6 to receive the song.

Tack-Q Bowling mini-game:

There is a pattern when playing this game. Go to the end of the ball and wait for four red balloons, then tap A. Go to the second ball and wait for three red balloons. Tap A quickly then go to the first ball and tap A after one red balloon to get a perfect score of 200.

Little Lamb Song:

This is your first Ham-Jam Song when you first start playing the game.


Hold B to run -- it is faster than walking.

I'm Your Ham Song:

To receive the song, get all the Ham-Hams back to the clubhouse. Boss will appear and show you the new Dance Hall. After that, you will be receive the song after the ending credits.

Chick-ah Jam song:

Go to Acorn Shrine and climb a long tree that is near the banana peel. Schoochie up the tree and buy the song from HM Boutique.

Bolero song:

Go to the Ruins and Tack-Q the clock twice. A hamster will appear and do ballet. Keep saying Clap-Clap to get the song.

Postman's Rush song:

Go to the sunflower market. Go inside the giant freezer and Tack-Q the mail box to collect the song.

Sunflower Song:

Buy this song at the HM Boutique store in Sunflower Park. Go to the Secret Garden and buy it for 25 Sunflower Seeds.

Little Star song:

Collect all 12 Stars to get the song.