Game Platforms

Eternal Champions : Challenge from The Dark Side

Sega CD

View Cinekills

Select a two player game and set the game speed to the fastest option. Select Slash's stage, change the wins option to 1 out of 1, and disable inner strength. Player one should select Raven, and player two should select a character that corresponds to the Cinekill to be viewed. Begin the match and have player one move to the left of player two and repeatedly use the most powerful kick until that player is dizzy. Then, jump over player two and execute the strongest kick repeatedly as fast as possible. The Cinekill sequence will start just before player two's character dies.

Bonus FMV sequence

Note: This code require a six-button controller. Wait until the Eternal Champions logo appears during the opening sequence, then immediately press X, B, Z, A, Y, C, Mode, Up, Right, Left, Down, Start. The code must be entered before the phrase "Press Start" is displayed. An FMV sequence featuring the game's development team will be displayed.

Cheat Mode

At the Final Stat screen, on Controller Two, quickly press Y, A, B, B, A, Down, A, B, B, A, Down, Up, Up, Z, Z, Y. This will activate the Debug Mode. Then at any time while playing the game, pause the game and enter any of the following codes on Controller 1:

Pause the game while in debug mode and enter XXXBoth players are healed
Pause the game while in debug mode and enter Left, Left, Left, ABoth players receive 20% health
Pause the game while in debug mode and enter YYYEach character receives one-hit damage
Pause the game while in debug mode and enter ZZZInner Strenghth is restored for both players
Pause the game while in debug mode and enter CCCMusic is turned off (Cannot be turned back on.)
Pause the game while in debug mode and enter AAAPlayer 1's health becomes critical
Pause the game while in debug mode and enter BBBPlayer 2's health becomes critical
Pause the game while in debug mode and enter Mode, Mode, Mode, APlayer is warped to Dark Eternal Champions stage after match
Pause the game while in debug mode and enter Right, Right, Right, APlayer is warped to Eternal Champion stage after match