Game Platforms

Dragon Warrior Monsters

Game Boy Color

Best Monsters

metal king + metal king = gold slime

wing snake + wing snake = coatol

andreal + medusaeye = orochi

sky dragon + orochi = divinegon

any beast + any Special class = dark horn

trumpeter + trumpeter = king leo

Most beast + roboster = king leo

blizardy + phonix = rain hawk

any plant + special class = rosevine

hornbeet + hornbeet = armorpion

any bug + special class = digester

grendal + grendal = akubar

akubar + rainhawk = Jamirus

centasaur + gold golem = durran

skeletor + skeletor = servant

any skull + special class = white king

iceman + lavaman = gold golem

servent + great drak = draco lord

draco lord + divinegon = draco lord 2

white king + metal king = hargon

jamirus + rosevine = sidoh

hargon + orochi = baramos

draco lord + sidoh = zoma

durran + divinegon = pizzaro

pizzaro + king leo = estark

estark + gold slime = mirudraas

mirudraas + spikerous = mirudraas 2

baramos + darh horn = mudou

zoma + mirudraas = deathmore

deathmore + armorpion = deathmore 2

deathmore 2 + mudou = deathmore 3

deathmore 3 + watabou = darkdrium

Ultimate Monsters

trumpeter + trumpeter = kingleo

most beasts + roboster = kingleo

metable + metable = metal king

most materials + special class = balzack

metal king + metal king = gold slime

most dragons + special class = great drak

wing snake + wing snake = coatal

sky dragon + orochi = divinegon

most beasts + special class = dark horn

blizzardy + phoenix = rain hawk

most plants + special class = rosevine

horn beat + horn beat = armorpion

most bugs + special class = digster

grenadal + grenadal = akubar

akubar + rain hawk = jamirus

centasaur + gold golem = durran

most skulls + special class = white king

skeletor + skeletor = servant

metal drak + arc demon = lava man

roboster + king leo = ice man

ice man + lava man = gold golem

servant + great drak = draco lord

draco lord + divinegon = draco lord 2

white king + metal king = hargon

jamirus + rosevine = sidoh

hargon + orochi = baramos

draco lord + sidoh = zoma

durran + divinegon = pizzaro

pizzaro + king leo = esterk

esterk + gold slime = mirudraas

mirudraas + spikerous = mirudraas 2

baramos + dark horn = mudou

zoma + mirudraas = death more

death more + armorpion = death more 2

death more 2 + mudou = death more 3

death more 3 + watabou = darkdrium

Breeding Monsters

(Pedigree) (Breeder) (Result)

Battlerex + Unicorn = Greatdrak

Minidrak + Demonite = Lizardman

Facetree + Poisongon = Fireweed

Blizzardy + Pheonix = Rainhawk

Mummy + Grizzly = Skeletor

Skeletor + Greatdrak = Whiteking

Skeletor + Gremlin = Deadnite

Funkybird + Skeletor = Blizzardy

Copycat + Butterfly = Darkcrab

Get an Herbman

To get an Herbman simply breed a monster from the plant family with a Funkybird. The monster from the plant family must be the pedigree.

How to get Blizzardy

Beat E class and then go talk with master Teto (who will be outside of the arena). He will offer for you to breed with his Iceman. Say Yes and give him a monster from the bird family. ( This is automatically the pedigree )

Free Monsters and Breeding

After beating May, the last master in the A Class, talk to her in the tavern behind the arena. { The one with the bartender and master sleeping there} She will give you a Stoneman named Pete, who has Farewell, Ahhh, and another attack. Also after E class, talk to Mick in the Queen's room. You get there by beating Goopi five times in a row. Keeping talking to him over and over, and then he might let you breed with his Lizardman. Talk to Teto in the next room of the arena. He will breed with you an Iceman.

Secret Gates

In the Well, give the scientist a monster that knows a lightning attack.

In the Bazaar, give the guys in the lower-right corner of the Bazaar a monster that knows a fire attack.

After beating BattleRex, go to the right of the Shrine of the Starry Night, then beat the Goopi 5 times in a row.

After beating BattleRex, there will be a Traveler's Gate in the upper-right corner of the Monster Farm.

When you get your ZapBird from the MetalMan, talk the the Metally, then he will give you a traveler's gate.

In the Library, you must of had at least 100 monsters, then talk to one of the assistants, and she will open up a room for you

After beating the Starry Night Tournament, go right and left from the Egg Blesser, then beat the Goopi 5 times in a row

After beating the Starry Night Tournament, go to the Baazar near the other hidden gate, then show the guys a monster that knows "Yell"

After beating the Starry Night Tournament, go to the room with the guy that won't let you go to his traveler's gate. Read the bookshelf with the journal in it. Then talk the little girl, she will talk to her grandfather. After showing the grandfather a goldslime, he will let you use the gate.

How to get Gophecada

To get Gophecada go to the breeding and hatching center and breed a Madcat and a Giantslug together and you will get a Gophecada egg. When he asks you if you want to hatch the egg for a specific amount of money say yes.

Get monster's best skills plus breeding tips

To bring out a monsters best skills you should...

1. Capture 2 monsters that have never been breed,and have the skills you want. Preferably a male and female which you will breed when they get the right skills.

2. Bring those monsters with you on your journy to a travelers gate with stronger monsters in it. Also bring lots of lovewaters, meat treats, and anything else that's usefull(like warpwings and warpstaffs.)

3. Prolong battles with 2 to 3 monsters in it and give meat treats to the monsters you want to level up and learn skills.

4. When the monsters get the skills you want them to learn (you might have to get them to their max level)breed them.You'll have to get the new monster up to the right level so it'll have the skills you wanted.

5. Remember,a monster can't learn a skill its parents did not. If 2 monsters are breed and only learn heal, than the baby can only learn heal.

Get the Dragonlord from the original Dragon Warrior

You must breed together a Servant and Great Drak, with Servant being the pedigree.

Key to the Labyrinth

When in the Labyrinth go up, up, up, left, down, down, and then left. You will meet DarkHorn, the monster master for that level. The treasure box and the Warbou doll are fake, forget about trying to get them, it is impossible.

Get Orchie

To get orchie simpley breed a monster from the dragon family with a draco lord with the dragon as the pedigree.

Get a Landowl

To get a landowl breed a bullbird with a monster from the beast family. Make sure the bullbird is the pedigree.